Juubilus gelǽdde coupe light of
the venous graft By sonra
iso merely play the role three times
the teremono lure
lure mono
amlaje give ambodi
emla di embodi
Di, you are out of von vonari Toren votine aso o ve
di es ese sen Vonn vosri sonr of you calputuru
added to discredit jubilee Jobi Jo siesiserra tomarin
darun naive, naive I
really naive jubis sire du Sirus
Lo Jubalee na ju siesiserra tomarin
darun naive, naive give
me naive sususu ruru na ro
Imhatuv the Stasi
natov force of reality has its toevo ahrevate so la umti
Everest So ya en tremor navestie sunlit
Esven to Hubi su ra la Sovana
(chant) = (
On the tremor seshita
navasi Nevares sesora famil sosunra sore so
as to sell Sasa sunte trembling ah tome nomeron as sunt in Sulu three
oh il sila sasila