curatores,doctores,magistri omunibus ad quoscumque hae litterae perven翻訳 - curatores,doctores,magistri omunibus ad quoscumque hae litterae perven英語言う方法

curatores,doctores,magistri omunibu

curatores,doctores,magistri omunibus ad quoscumque hae litterae pervenerint salutem in domino sempiternam,omnibus testimonio sit hoc diploma,nos Mtthew AD Gradum Artium Baccalaureati promovisse,eique illius gradus omnia iura honores,insignia concessisse.
In cuius rei maiorem fidem hoc diploma,sigillo collegii nostri obsignatum et chirographo praesidis munitum,el honoris documentum tradimus,datum genevae in civitateneo eboracensi XV.KAL.IUN. Anno salutis nostrae MMVIII.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
personnel, the teachers, the teacher's omunibus this letter to as many as you come, greeting in the Lord forever, to all of the testimony of this diploma is to be, we mtthew baccalaureati promovisse arts to the level of, and conformable to the rights of all the honors of that degree, and the decorations have conceded.
in the greater faith whereof, this diploma, the seal of the College a sealed and a written a strong hold, and the honor we hand over the document,given in Geneva civitateneo xv.kal.iun York. mmviii year of our salvation. '
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