Felicis Plateri Archiatri et Profes. Basil. Observationum, in hominis 翻訳 - Felicis Plateri Archiatri et Profes. Basil. Observationum, in hominis 英語言う方法

Felicis Plateri Archiatri et Profes

Felicis Plateri Archiatri et Profes. Basil. Observationum, in hominis affectibus plerisque corpori et animo, functionum laesione, dolore, aliave molestia et vitio incommodantibus. Libri très.
Ad Praxeos illius Tractatus très, quorum priraus Fonctionum laesiones, secundus Dolores, terlius vitia continet, accomodati.
In quibus eo ordine, diversorum affectuum sub generibus hisce comprehensorum, progressus, eventus, curationes, uti ab authore hac observata tractataque fuerunt. Historice describuntur. Basileae. Impensis Ludovici König. Typis Conradi Waldkirchii. MDCXIIII.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Felix Platter Archiatri and Profes. Basil. Of the observations, the majority of the affections of the body and in the mind of man, of functions of the injury, pain, or other pain and to the vice incommodantibus. And three pounds.
Praxeos had treated to three, of which the primum Fonction lesions, the second, Dolores, tertia vice is comprised, be adjusted.
In such cases the same order as, the various emotions of comprehension: these belong to genera, the progress, the results, agencies, and they are handled and use have been observed by the author of this. Historically described. New York. Printed Louis Konig. Printed Conradi Waldkirchii. 1614.
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