Céphalothorax black, the part of the thoracic and rufescenti dilutiore slightly dyed, finely coriaceus, glabrous on both sides, but in the middle, surrounded by a narrow white hair, a little wider than the longer side of the cephalic on both sides and on the posterior side, slightly sloping, rounded, nearly as long as the part of the thoracic cephalic attenuate above the convex but then started becoming narrower and postice Put part cephalicam very constricted. Few of long white hairs. Abdominal petiole length brown. Abdomen blackest healthiest greenhorn in Volume transversely narrowly constricted and-white surrounded. Chela cephalothoracis hand little shorter, narrower and disheveled black leather finely wrinkled, right inside, outside and slightly longer arcuate edges furrows unequal teeth small and remote enough for the troops, under the point of the longest in the basal part finely toothed. The feet of the black trochantere 4 yellow, the anterior thighs below the rear of the legs to the sides light dishes, goblets, and the anterior to the apex diameter. Feet-small molars Chelis much shorter pipe tarsoque speckled with black, thigh blow compressed short, slightly longer than broad mites frying, pan flute long apex gradually thickened mutiea but outwardly apex obtuse and slightly prominent, the small pipe ankle a little longer to oblique truncate and large oval pit and hairy remark bulb small pen-free shielded.