« Post melancholiam, sequitur agendum de mania, quse isti in tantum af翻訳 - « Post melancholiam, sequitur agendum de mania, quse isti in tantum af英語言う方法

« Post melancholiam, sequitur agend

« Post melancholiam, sequitur agendum de mania, quse isti in tantum affinis est, ut hi affectus saepë vices commutent, et alteruter m alterum transeat; nam diathosis melancholia in pejus erecta furoremaccersit; atquefuror defervensnon raro in diathesin atrabilariarn desinit. Saepe hœc duo quasi fumus, et flamma, se mutuo excipiunt, ceduntque. Et quidem, si in melancholia cerebrum et spiritus animales, fumo, et densà caligine obfuscari dicantur, mania, istis apertum quasi incendium accersere videtur.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
"Those who have to melancholy, it follows, is to be done out of the mania, which is closely related to these to such an extent, that they may exchange their feelings often, and pass the other one of m; For diathosis melancholy worse and she furoremaccersit; atquefuror defervensnon rarely diathesin atrabilariarn ends. Often hœc two as smoke and flame, each received their ranks. By the way, if he be in the brain and the animal spirits, melancholy, and the smoke, and thick darkness, dignities they are called, mania, was opened, as it were the burning of these would seem to call forth.
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