Okay people don't really forget their heads, but we do forget lots of 翻訳 - Okay people don't really forget their heads, but we do forget lots of 日本語言う方法

Okay people don't really forget the

Okay people don't really forget their heads, but we do forget lots of stuff. There's a lady in California however who has scientists baffled because she has a memory that can't forget. Jill can remember every day for the last 30 years of her life like it was yesterday.

JILL: I'm sitting here talking to you and I'm in the present but I have this kind of split screen, this looping of just random memories always kind of flashing into my head.

As soon as someone says a date or she sees it written somewhere she automatically sees that day and it's been happening since she was about eight.

REPORTER: When was the Iraq war?
JILL: The first Iraq war? January 16 1991.
REPORTER: When was the second Iraq war?
JILL: March 19th 2003.
REPORTER: When did Elvis Presley die?
JILL: August 16th 1977 and I was coming back from the orthodontist and I was driving in the driveway.

Jill decided to head to a memory expert to find out what's going on, but he'd never seen anything like it. He set out to find an explanation. Before we look at that, let's look at how memory works.

Memory specialist Anne's big tip is to pay attention.

ANNE: A lot of the time when we say we forget things you haven't really forgotten them, we just haven't got them into memory storage in the first place because we were thinking about other things.

Doing something with the info, like drawing or writing it down helps to process it more deeply. Or shorten stuff - for example to memorise the order of the colours of the rainbow, just remember ROYGBIV.

CATHERINE: Another way is to use a familiar setting. For example to remember a shopping list place the bananas on the slide, some milk on the bridge, some bread on the swings then when ur at the shops, just cast your mind back through the landscape and you'll remember the items.

There are different types of memories. Some people are really good at remembering facts and figures, others are good at remembering how to do things like drive a car and there are our personal memories - stuff we've experience and consider important They're the one's Jill's really good at.

But why is she good at them? Jim thought maybe parts of her brain were bigger than normal but scans showed that wasn't the case. Now he thinks maybe Jill's ability to remember isn't any different to ours - he thinks maybe it's her ability to forget that's different.

While our brains filter memories - store some in a big file in our brains and get rid of others - her brain keeps them all! Jim will go on studying her, but in the meantime Jill will have to continue living with her memories both good and bad.
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ターゲット言語: -
結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]



ジル、最初のイラク戦争? 1991年1月16日。




のように、情報で何かをやって図面や文章は、プロセスがより深く助けるために起こっているダウン。または短く-詰め込む - 例えば虹の色のコマンドにメモリは、単にROYGBIVを覚えています。


メモリの異なるタイプがあります。一部の人々は、事実と数字を覚えるで本当に良いですしかし、他の人は私が車を運転する方法のような良いことを覚えていると私たちの個人的な思い出があります - 私たちは経験詰め込むきたし、彼らは自分のジルの本当に良いでインポートする必要がありますね

なぜその背後けど良いペース?ジムは彼女の脳スキャンの一部は通常の状況ではなかったランクビッグスエンパイアハウスを示したかもしれないと思った。今、彼は多分覚えてジルの能力は我々に何が違うのではないと考えている - 彼は多分、それが違いだね忘れるために彼女の能力だと思っている

私たちの脳フィルタ思い出ながら - 。私たちの脳の中で献立表ファイルに体を保存して他の人を取り除く - 彼女の脳はそれらをすべて保持します!ジムは良くも悪くも彼女の思い出と絶えずジルリビングになります彼女は、その間に行ってきました勉強に行くでしょう。 '
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