BEATRICE de Champagne, Infanta doña BEATRIZ de Navarra, daughter of TH翻訳 - BEATRICE de Champagne, Infanta doña BEATRIZ de Navarra, daughter of TH英語言う方法

BEATRICE de Champagne, Infanta doña

BEATRICE de Champagne, Infanta doña BEATRIZ de Navarra, daughter of THIBAUT IV Comte de Champagne [TEOBALDO I King of Navarre] & his wife Marguerite de Bourbon ([1242]-château de Villaines-en-Duesmois, Côtes d'Or 1295 after Jul).  A charter dated Nov 1258 confirms the marriage between “Hue duc de Bourgoigne” and “Thiebaut…foy de Navarre, de Champaigne et de Brie cuens palatins…demoiselle Biatrix nostre serour”[386].  Dame de l'Isle-sous-Montréal.  The testament of “Hugo dux Burgundiæ”, dated Sep 1272, bequeathed property to “Beatrix uxor mea”[387].  She renounced any claim to the succession of her brother 2 Sep 1273.  After her husband died, she retired to the château de l'Isle-sur-Serein.  She quarrelled with her stepson Robert Duke of Burgundy, and asked Year judgment of Parliament dated 1 Nov 1292 ordered compensation to 'Odo Bezors miles of Villa-Arnulphi... and Agnete eius uxore dominus' for transferring their share of 'castro and castellaniae Iusulae subtus Montem-Regalem' which they had received under the succession of 'defuncti Monteregali Maurya quondam patris dictae Agnetis Iohannis', which he had inherited from 'defuncto Anserico quondam domino Montisregalis', to 'Beatrice ducissa relicta Hugonie ducis Burgundiae' , while providing for 'Guido de Monteregali armiger filius Ioannis Monteregali quondam Maurya... and... Beatrice relicta Iacobi Rocha de Breine domini, Scott dicti Guidonis '[389]. 'Guiot de Montréal escuyer' renounced his claims over 'the l´ile Montreal soubs chastellenie' derived from 'the death of Jean of Montreal his father and Anseric Lord of Montreal his uncle' in favour of 'Widow Beatrix of Hugues Duc de Bourgongne' by charter dated May 129

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BEATRICE de Champagne, Infanta Doña Beatriz de Navarra, daughter of THIBAUT 4 Comte de Champagne [King of Navarre Teobaldo 1] & his wife Marguerite de Bourbon ([1242] -château of Villaines-en-Duesmois, Côtes d'Or after Jul 1295 ). Nov A charter dated 1258 confirms the marriage between "Hue duc de Bourgoigne" and "Thiebaut ... foy de Navarre, and of Brie de Champaigne demoiselle Biatrix of our serount cuens palatins ..." [386]. Dame de l'Isle-sous-Montréal. The testament of "Hugo duke of Burgundy", dated May 1272, bequeathed property to "Beatrix to my wife," [387]. She renounced any claim to the succession of her brother Sep 2, 1273. After her husband died, she retired to the château de l'Isle-sur-serein. She quarreled with her stepson Robert Duke of Burgundy, and asked Parliament dated 1 Year Nov 1292 ordered judgment of compensation to 'Odo Bezors his master's wife, Agnes ... and miles of Villa-Arnulphi' for transferring their share of 'the castle and Castellaniae Iusula under the Mount-Royal 'which they had received under the succession of' Agnes of John, father of the said deceased Monteregali Maurya once ', which he had inherited from' on the death of the deceased Sir Montisregalis Anseric ', to' Beatrice left Hugonis duchess the duke of Burgundy ', while providing for 'Guido de Monteregali his armor-bearer left the mother of James the son of John Rocha Monteregali once Beatrice de Breiner Maurya ... and ... of the Lord, called Scotus, Guy,' [389]. 'Guiot de Montréal escuyer' renounced his claims over 'the l'Ile Montreal soubs chastellenie' derived from 'the Lord of death of Jean of Montreal Montreal Anseric his father and his uncle' in favor of 'Duc de Bourgongne Widow Beatrix of Hugues' by charter dated May 129

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