ISABELLE de Bourgogne (-after 20 Nov 1294). The testament of “Hugo dux Burgundiæ”, dated Sep 1272, bequeathed dowry to “Ysabellam filiam meam” for her marriage to “domino Roberto de Flandria comiti Nivernensi...filium dicti Roberti primogenitum contrahendi”[439]. The Ellenhardi Chronicon records the marriage in 1284 "in civitate Basilicasi…intra festum Pentecostes et festum Iohannis baptiste" of King Rudolf and "Elisabetam filiam ducis Ottonis senioris Burgundie dicti de Tygun apud Rymilisberg"[440]. The Annales Colmarienses record the marriage "in Rumarico monte in festo sancte Agate" of "rex Ruodolphus" and "uxorem Gallicam" in 1284[441]. She adopted the name AGNES in 1284. The testament of “Hugo de Burgundia, dominus Montis Regalis” dated 1 Apr 1285 names “filiam meam Beatricem…uxor mea Margarita…Ysabellam Romanorum reginam, B. comitissam Marchie, et Marguaritam dominam Allaii uxorem Johannis de Cabilone militis, sorores meas”[442]. Dame de Vieux-Château et d´Aigney-le Duc by grant 20 Nov 1294[443]. [According to Du Chesne, Isabelle married “Pierre de Chambly le jeune seigneur de Chambly”[444]. This statement is proved incorrect by a document dated May 1321 which records that “Pierre de Chambli seigneur de Neaufle fils de Pierre seigneur de Chambli” had married “Isabeau fille de Jean de Bourgogne fils de Hugues de Vienne et d´Alis de Méranie comtesse palatine de Bourgogne” and that Isabelle “sœur de Henri de Bourgogne fils du susdit Jean” was present when the latter reached agreement with Jeanne Queen of France regarding “le château de Montrond près de Besançon”[445].] Betrothed (before Sep 1272) to CHARLES de Flandre, son of ROBERT de Flandre Comte de Nevers, later ROBERT III Count of Flanders & his first wife Blanche d'Anjou ([1266]-1277, aged 11). m (Basel 5 Feb or 6 Mar 1285) as his second wife, RUDOLF I King of Germany, son of ALBRECHT IV "dem Weise" Graf von Habsburg & his wife Heilwig von Kiburg (Burg Limburg, Upper Rhine 1 May 1216-Germersheim near Speyer 15 Jul 1291, bur Speyer Cathedral).