Videtur profecto ea meditatio potissimum, cum ad aegri salutem, rectamque curationem, tum ad medici fidem atque dignitatem spectare. Primum enim, quia novisse morbum proximus ad is sanitatem gradus, nemo sane hanc aut praesagire, aut reddere afflictis recte potest who animadvertere genus aegritudinis quod sit not, ejus eventum omnem praenunciare not, certis indiciis norit". Medicinalium observationum
It seems no doubt it is the meditation above all, when it comes to the health of the patient, treatment and guidance, as well as the dignity of the faith and to the doctor to look on. For the first time, because they know the disease is close to the levels of health, no one really expected either this, or we can pay the downtrodden who is not paying attention to what kind of illness, was not a proclamation of every event, knows for certain indications ". Medicinalium observers