(1 a) pa [nn] the mouth of its zalone, renouncing the exception of cloth and did not buy, and what is not the confession of [nis] From this it is not, the jars facto1, all for naught, and the condition of the law. Wherefore, I promise and agree that I will to give and to carry out and for the price of which [ere] to you, or your sending of a certainty, that is, to make or arrange payment to be given to one thousand nine hundred and sixty-through my white bisancios certain nun-the good, and of the righteous judgment to weigh, on the one side as far as the birth of the Lord is most nearly venturam2 . Otherwise, cetera3. The underlying cetera3; observed from thence, and to the so-observed, and for the goods which they have and to hold to you all my p <I do not know> o. Done in the logia Famagosta, 1000 96 ° 200 °, in-the dominion of the tenth, on the 11 of october. I call to witness if summoned and inquired: Balia-nus de Guisulfo, Iohanes and Galvanus Manegeta of Portanova, on the 11 of october, at about the ninth.